Brennan Collins

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Georgia State University


I am the Associate Director of Writing Across the Curriculum and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Georgia State University. The interdisciplinary nature and technology focus of these programs allows me to work with a diverse faculty in exploring inventive pedagogies. I am particularly interested in using maps in and out the classroom to develop student critical thinking. My work increasingly focuses on helping develop large projects about Atlanta that require the resources and expertise of multiple disciplines and schools. My research focuses on African-American literary depictions of the south. I teach courses on graphic novels and African American and Multi-Ethnic U.S. literature. I have also developed a 1-hour Honors course that uses Atlanta-based projects to introduce undergraduate students to emerging mapping technologies that have potential applications across many fields.

Brennan Collins


  • Mapping
  • African-American studies
  • Multi-Ethnic studies
  • Literature

